Archive for January, 2012


Welcome to a New Year, which brings with it the sense of opportunity, change and new beginnings. Don’t you just love the opportunity for a new start!?

But to be honest, as a Christian I often find it a challenge to not just set goals and New Year’s resolutions, but to truly hear from God in a way that not only inspires, but literally catapults me and others into the next season of destiny. Resolutions and goals are great, but a “now” message from God’s Word empowers us to move forward with confidence and resolve.

Here is a scripture we believe God has spoken to our family for the new year:

Psalm 37: 3-5

Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord, trust Him, and He will help you.  

What an incredibly empowering message for us all to take into the New Year:


Sounds so easy, but in the midst of everyday life, I often struggle with simply TRUSTING God. How about you?  I need to constantly be reminded that God promises in His word that if we will just Trust Him… we will prosper!


to take pleasure in the One who made us, Loves us, and gave His life for us.  When we simply worship God and meditate on His goodness and love for us, He takes the dreams He placed in our hearts and brings them to fruition!  The one who gives the dreams is the one who grants those dreams through the ones who delight in Him!


sometimes I just want to “hang out” with God or visit Him at my convenience.  Commit seems like such a “BIG” word!  It seems so complete, so final.  Sometimes I’m afraid of full and complete commitment, because it will cost me! Because I’ve been hurt.  Because I’ve been disappointed. Anyone else ever feel this way?  But, who better to commit to than God Himself? He knows us better than we know ourselves. Our commitment to Him invites His help in any and every situation in our lives!  I sure need that kind of divine intervention in my life.

So… 2012… it’s here.

And my resolutions are simple, because they are not just goals.  They are promises from the One who keeps His promises.  I will TRUST, DELIGHT and COMMIT to the God of the universe, my Savior and my King. That’s it. Pure and simple.

Can I ask you to please pray for me that I will keep these three simple “resolutions with promise” throughout this year?  I will commit to do the same for you as we all seek God’s will in 2012!

God Bless and have a great year!