Archive for the ‘Seasonal’ Category


Welcome to a New Year, which brings with it the sense of opportunity, change and new beginnings. Don’t you just love the opportunity for a new start!?

But to be honest, as a Christian I often find it a challenge to not just set goals and New Year’s resolutions, but to truly hear from God in a way that not only inspires, but literally catapults me and others into the next season of destiny. Resolutions and goals are great, but a “now” message from God’s Word empowers us to move forward with confidence and resolve.

Here is a scripture we believe God has spoken to our family for the new year:

Psalm 37: 3-5

Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord, trust Him, and He will help you.  

What an incredibly empowering message for us all to take into the New Year:


Sounds so easy, but in the midst of everyday life, I often struggle with simply TRUSTING God. How about you?  I need to constantly be reminded that God promises in His word that if we will just Trust Him… we will prosper!


to take pleasure in the One who made us, Loves us, and gave His life for us.  When we simply worship God and meditate on His goodness and love for us, He takes the dreams He placed in our hearts and brings them to fruition!  The one who gives the dreams is the one who grants those dreams through the ones who delight in Him!


sometimes I just want to “hang out” with God or visit Him at my convenience.  Commit seems like such a “BIG” word!  It seems so complete, so final.  Sometimes I’m afraid of full and complete commitment, because it will cost me! Because I’ve been hurt.  Because I’ve been disappointed. Anyone else ever feel this way?  But, who better to commit to than God Himself? He knows us better than we know ourselves. Our commitment to Him invites His help in any and every situation in our lives!  I sure need that kind of divine intervention in my life.

So… 2012… it’s here.

And my resolutions are simple, because they are not just goals.  They are promises from the One who keeps His promises.  I will TRUST, DELIGHT and COMMIT to the God of the universe, my Savior and my King. That’s it. Pure and simple.

Can I ask you to please pray for me that I will keep these three simple “resolutions with promise” throughout this year?  I will commit to do the same for you as we all seek God’s will in 2012!

God Bless and have a great year!

The Christmas season is supposed to be a time of joy, happiness, laughter and fun. However because of the loss of a loved one, for many people, the holidays are just plain tough. If you or someone you know is dealing with Holiday Grief, here are some keys to help you through the season.


 Never underestimate the power of prayer. Honest conversation with God above. Share your emotions with Him: anger, sadness, frustration, loneliness, pain. You may even want to pray aloud or write down your prayers. As well, do not forget that faith in God gives us hope for an eternal reunion with those who have gone on ahead.


Stay close to other family members. They know you and will love you through this time of pain. In addition, they may be sharing some of the same grief. Being together, will help process the loss, overcome loneliness and keep one another encouraged.


 Sometimes we just need to be with people who will let us be ourselves. Get together with some true friends that will cry with you, laugh with you, talk with you or just let you sit and say nothing at all.


One of the most difficult things to face after the loss of a loved one is the future. Nothing feels the same. However, we must remember that our loved ones would want us to go on. One of the greatest ways to honor someone who has passed away, is to live life to the fullest. Make each day count.


Volunteer. Reach out to others. Give of yourself to help someone in need. When we begin looking outward and helping others, our focus moves from our pain to the pain and need of someone else. Volunteering is a powerful force in moving forward.


Posted: December 6, 2010 in Seasonal
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Have you ever been in awe?

Have you seen something, experienced something, felt something so deeply that it caused you to be in awe?
I can remember when I was young and living in the Southwest. One time, we went on a family vacation. I was only about 8 years old. I had fallen asleep in the car. And when we arrived at our destination, my parents picked me up and carried me, because I was still sleeping. When they woke me up, I jumped and almost fell to the ground . We were on the rim of the Grand Canyon, and while there was a fence between us and a massive drop off and hole in the ground… I was simultaneously in awe of the overwhelming beauty I was seeing, but also in awe because of the fear of falling into the great chasm I woke up to.

You know it’s funny how we can all define awe differently,like…
My six year old son Josiah calls me into the living room with great excitement… “Dad, dad, come on you have to see this…” I come running, because he is certain that he is about to show me something that is going to cause me to be in awe. And I get in the living room, and Josiah says, “Watch this dad!” And he gets on the side arm of the couch and jumps. He looks up at me and says, “Wasn’t that awesome dad.” And of course I say, “Son that was awesome.” Am I truly in awe…? No, but my love for my son shows awe, I react in a way that will encourage him, lift him up…. And not crush him. But I am not in awe. What would put me in awe of Josiah, would be if he really cleaned his room, on his own, with no help…. That would put me in awe!

Awe is one of those words that possesses several meanings that can almost seem to be at odds with one another. For instance…

Awe means: amazing, astonishing, breathtaking…. But it also can mean: awful, dreadful, frightening

Events that truly cause us to be in awe, become  reference point in our lives. Reference points become places we can look at and determine how far we have moved forward or how far we have fallen behind. In other words, events or places or people in our lives that cause awe become points by which we measure everything else that happens in our lives.

Our life is full of Reference points:
Your Birthday is a reference point in time. The birth of each of your children becomes a reference point. Joyful events and seasons can cause our hearts to be moved with awe in such a way that a reference point is created in our hearts and minds. A memory that we refer back to as a point of reference of where we are at in our lives.

Awe inspiring events can also be created by great tragedies. Loss of a job, loss of a loved one, even loss of a pet. I had a dog named Sandy that died when I was about eight years old. Stung to death by bees. That memory created awe in my heart because it was a awful and dreadful moment. 911 will always be a historical reference point. We as a country were in awe of the level of hatred and pain that was poured out on that day. It was a dramatic event that is etched into the fabric of our history.

Right now, we are coming into a season in which we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Now that is a reference point. As is His death, burial and resurrection. Those were awesome, and awe filled events for those who were there, and now for all who are touched by the reality of who Jesus is, was and always will be.

The question we have to ask though is…does the birth of Christ, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus still cause our hearts to be filled with awe?

Every person has to ask, is Jesus just a historical reference point, or is He The Lord and Savior that still brings awe to our hearts, thus creating a reference point in our lives of who we are because of meeting Jesus, Knowing Jesus and surrendering our lives to Jesus.

As we celebrate, let’s not allow the business and demands of the season to rob us of the awe of a God who loves us enough to give His life for us.

Merry Christmas

Freedom Reigns…

Posted: July 3, 2010 in Seasonal
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Such a powerful word.

A word so powerful, it was weaved into the very fabric of the Constitution upon which the United States was built.

A word so powerful, men and women will take up arms in order to defend it.

A word so powerful, men and women will lay down their lives rather than surrender the ability to practice it.

A word so powerful it motivates friends to argue its meaning; enemies to attack its foundation; politicians to exploit its power; authors to write of its merit;  artists to paint under its emotion; singers to voice its hope; and teachers to tell of its history.

A word that people spend a lifetime pursuing.

Freedom: such a powerful word. 

A word so powerful yet so expensive to defend.

A word so powerful, yet so difficult to define.

A word so powerful, yet so easy to abuse.

Freedom…the most sought after, highest priced, misunderstood, fought over word besides love.  But without freedom, we do not have the opportunity to show love.  But without love, we do not have the correct motivation to defend our freedom.

The price of freedom is always paid by those who love…

… their country; their family; their freedom and the freedom of others.

Independence Day is a time we celebrate the freedom we enjoy in the good ol’ US of A.

No matter what our political beliefs or affiliation, let us not forget the price paid for the Freedom we experience on a daily basis.  Let us not take for granted how precious our freedom is.

Thank you to every man and woman who has given their lives for this Freedom.  Thank you to every man and woman who has served in our military in defense of the freedom we live with on a daily basis.

God bless every one of you and God Bless America.

In honor of my father and in retrospect of being a dad, these are random words and phrases that captured my thoughts.

Smiles and frowns

Bumps and bruises

Lessons learned; lessons taught

 Incomprehensible love; unbearable heartache

 Asleep in the back seat; Awake at the wheel

Asleep in his arms; asleep in my lap


Late nights; early mornings

I love you dad; I love you too

Little hugs; slobbery kisses

 Remembering; Forgetting; Forgiving; Missing

Hopes and dreams; disappointments and heartache; hopes and dreams again

Unscheduled fun

Doctors visits; Dentist appointments; retainers; braces; an uninsured smile

Baseball; softball; soccer

Music He likes; Music I like; Music my kids like; Music we all like

Playing guitar; Playing piano; Playing together

Winning moments; painful losses

Homework he don’t understand; Homework I can’t comprehend; Homework that doesn’t get done

Learning to ride a bike; teaching to ride a bike; learning first aid

Christmas morning

Going anywhere with dad; going anywhere with my kids

Children’s movies

 Legos and tinkertoys… x-box and the wii

The little Rascals; Gilligan’s Island; The Brady Bunch – Dora the explorer; Spongebob; Hannah Montana

Teenagers; cell phone; texting; internet

Learning to drive; patience; dents; insurance

Dating; first impressions; broken hearts; crushes; first loves; a father’s hugs

Behavioral training; attitude adjustments; being grounded

Money saved; money spent…money spent… money spent


Time lost; time found

School programs; music recitals

 College; Careers; Marriage; Kids

Life decisions

Praying together; Church together

Learning what matters most; realizing what doesn’t matter

Learning to cherish every moment, before the moments are gone.

Happy Father’s day dads.

Easter.  “What’s the big deal?” you may ask. “Beyond bunnies, eggs, and chocolate – is there something deeper that would really impact my life?  There is the whole thing about Jesus.  He died on a cross; he was buried for three days; he came back to life.  But what does that have to do with me?”

 Have you ever experienced the loss of something you loved: A relationship gone bad; loss of a job; the death of a dream; or maybe…the loss of someone you cared for more than anything else? 

 Loss in any form is painful.  Even for God.  That may seem bold for me to declare, but I believe it’s true.  Why else would God sacrifice his own Son, unless the relationship He desires with us meant everything to Him?

 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

 The celebration of Easter is no big deal without the recognition of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Why?  Because the process of the death, burial and Resurrection of Jesus was God’s way of restoring what was most important to Him; namely…you and me.

Easter may just be a holiday for many.  But the Resurrection…that was the final act of a three part play in which God said, “I made you, I love you, and I want you back.”

 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16-17